
CBGA CBDA Mafuta Capsules | Immune Support | Full Spectrum

Our wholesale CBDa Oil Capsules for Immune Support are as natural as it gets! A blend of raw hemp extracts and rich in rare cannabinoids. Contains 1:1:1:1 ratio of the best CBDa oil, CBGa oil, CBD oil, and CBG oil. 60 capsules per container.

Ndapota taura nesu kuti tibvunze pamusoro pemagadzirirwo akakosha.


Our wholesale CBDa oil Immune Support Capsules are the first product of its kind. Most capsules on the market will only have trace amounts of CBGa and CBDa as heat from the manufacturing process converts these molecules to CBG and CBD. Our scientists were able to develop a proprietary method for processing these delicate cannabinoids and formulate them into a tincture without converting them. These high potency capsules was formulated to support immunity and is unlike any other product on the market today.

mamwe mashoko

uremu 2.5 oz
miganhu 2.0 × 2.0 × 3.5 mukati
Sei Kusarudza Extract Labs?


Isu tiri mapiyona muindasitiri ye cannabis, tichigadzira chete emhando yepamusoro zvigadzirwa zveCBD. Nzvimbo yedu yezvivakwa zvehunyanzvi & zvechizvino-zvino zvekugadzirisa zvinotitendera kuti tigadzire zvigadzirwa zvakasarudzika zvine chaiwo cannabinoids hapana mamwe makambani anogona kupa.


Batch yega yega ndeyechitatu bato lab yakaedzwa, uye inotevedzwa kuti iwe ugone kuwana chaiyo lab mhedzisiro uye tarisa mazuva ekupera paZVESE zvigadzirwa zvedu zveCBD.


Isu tinogara tichiedza kupa yakanakisa sevhisi yevatengi inogoneka, uye zvichibva pane yedu 5 nyeredzi wongororo, tinodada nekuziva kuti tinopa mamwe emhando yepamusoro sevhisi yevatengi muindasitiri.

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